1.4.1. The Roles of Municipalities

1.4.1 (A) Issuing lottery licences

Municipal councils have the authority to issue licences for most lottery events conducted in their communities, including:

  • bingo events with prize boards of up to $5,500
  • non-electronic raffles with prizes of up to $50,000
  • break open ticket events that are not conducted in conjunction with another licensed gaming event, and where the tickets are sold within the municipality
  • bazaar gaming events
  • media bingo.

1.4.1 (B) Municipal administrative responsibilities

As long as it does not contravene criteria established by the Registrar, a municipal council may develop additional criteria, through bylaws and policies, for making licensing decisions and administering lottery licensing in their municipality.

Municipalities must also:

  • report any information required by the Registrar
  • enforce licensing policies
  • ensure that licensees comply with the terms and conditions of their licences
  • investigate any breaches of the terms and conditions.

A municipal council may refuse, suspend or cancel licences, in accordance with the Order-in-Council and the Registrar’s policies. The AGCO is available to assist the municipality in any compliance and investigation matters.

Municipalities that issue licences also must ensure that applicants are eligible for lottery licences (see Chapter 2); be fair and equitable when issuing licences; and remain satisfied that licensees continue to meet the requirements of the Criminal Code (Canada), the Order-in-Council and the terms and conditions of their licences.