6.4.1. Special Occasion Gaming “Fun Nights”

Some organizations conduct events such as blackjack or wheels of fortune as “fun nights,” for the sole purpose of providing entertainment for their guests.

Typically, at these types of events, the chips, tokens or play money are made available to everyone free of charge (no direct or indirect consideration). As well, no prizes are awarded if an entrance fee of any kind has been charged. If any kind of fee (direct or indirect consideration) has been charged for the event, the chips, tokens or play money are not redeemed for goods, wares, merchandise or cash at the end of the evening.

As there is no licence available for this type of event, it is ultimately the responsibility of organizations or individuals wishing to conduct “fun nights” to ensure that any events they conduct comply with the Criminal Code (Canada). Organizations or individuals wishing to conduct “fun nights” may wish to seek independent legal advice.