10.2.1. Non-Pooling Bingo Halls

Bingo halls that do not pool operate under another revenue model (60/40 split with caps), terms and conditions and policies and procedures as set out in Chapter 9, “Bingo—In Non-Pooling Halls.”

Hall Charities Associations have the option to adopt pooling and operate under the BRM.


The BRM applies to all pooling bingo halls. While the role of provincial and municipal licensing authorities remains in place, this model provides for flexibility in how charitable games are licensed, managed and conducted. Highlights of the BRM include:

  • flexibility to design game schedules to match the current bingo market;
  • a maximum percentage of wagering that may be given away as prizes is prescribed by the Registrar;
  • a marketing fund established at eight to twelve per cent of bingo Win with responsibility for its use shared between charities and hall operators;
  • all bingo hall revenues are split between charities and Operators of bingo halls;
  • charities receive 45 per cent and Operators receive 55 per cent;
  • charities pay for costs of administration, licence fees and authorization fees;
  • Operators are responsible for all other expenses;
  • a single-licence approach for all charitable gaming events conducted in pooling halls;
  • no distinction between municipal and provincial games.

10.2.2 (A) Overview: Bingo game flexibility framework for pooling halls

A key component of the framework is that it allows for flexibility in designing games and game schedules as the charities, with the advice of the hall, best see fit to meet their market needs. However, recognizing that accountability and public confidence in the games must be maintained, the following set of guidelines may be used to assist in game development and as a review tool for the licensing official for determining appropriate game schedules. If a licensing official receives an application for a bingo game that he or she is not familiar with, the official must first ensure that the bingo game in question is one for which a licence is available.


10.2.3 (A) Base for bingo and game flexibility

  • Games must be conducted using a fixed combination of numbers and/or symbols to a maximum of 90. Examples: B,I,N,G,O, and numbers one (1) to seventy-five (75), or numbers one (1) to ninety (90), or numbers one (1) to eighty (80).
  • Customers may choose the numbers or symbols to appear on their bingo paper provided that specific controls have been implemented to track all numbers in play.
  • Programs may include any number of games or combination of games.

10.2.3 (B) Prizes

  • Prizes may be fixed, variable, progressive or a combination. (Example: variable prizes could include using the value of the final number called when a bingo game is won as the multiplier to determine the total value of the prize awarded.)
  • Games may include non-fixed prize payouts and have no guaranteed prizes provided that specific controls have been implemented.
  • There are no restrictions on minimum or maximum payouts per game/event (that is, minimum prizing may be set out in the house rules).
  • There are no restrictions on the base amount for the purpose of developing the prize for any game, including progressive-type games (that is, seeding of prize pots).
  • Prizes may increase by percentages or a set amount.

10.2.3 (C) Win based on pattern

  • Winning combinations to achieve bingo may be based on a pattern or combinations such as fixed or rotating symbols or full card.
  • Games may include wild numbers provided that specific controls have been implemented to track all numbers in play.

10.2.3 (D) Pre-calls

Pre-called games are bingo games where a large number of calls are required to determine a winner, so some numbers are called at the beginning of the event to allow the game to be played more quickly. Pre- called games are usually games that will offer larger prizes and are often referred to as ``Special`` games. Sealed bingo cards must be used for pre-called games.

  • There is no restriction on the number of pre-calls allowed provided only sealed bingo cards are used and no ancillary prize (line prize) is awarded.
  • Buy-back cards may be offered at a reduced price provided sealed cards are used and proper controls have been implemented to identify and track the card.

10.2.3 (E) U Pick game

The U Pick game (also known as “pick a bingo” or “do-it-yourself bingo”) allows players to choose the numbers on their game cards. The following procedures must be followed for this game to be approved on the schedule:

  • Paper may only be sold in sequential order and only from a stationary location; floor sales are not permitted.
  • The name of the bingo hall must appear on the paper.
  • A breakdown of eligible tickets in play for each specific game must be provided to the caller prior to the start of each U Pick game (for example, 001 to 120).
  • The licensee’s portion of the bingo card must be separated and bundled for each game and retained for a period of at least 30 days from the event.

10.2.3 (F) Level of winning based on factor beyond pattern

  • Games may be based on achieving a winning combination within any number of ball calls.
  • In the case of a progressive game the number of ball calls may increase until the prize is won provided the manner in which it increases is applied consistently throughout the duration of the progressive game.
  • Increasing the number of ball calls may be based on different factors such as time period elapsed, wagering level achieved or prizing level reached.
  • Games may be based on obtaining a winning combination containing a certain number which may be determined as the number following an indicator number or some other means (also allows new factors such as colours to establish distinctions for tiered prizing).

10.2.3 (G) Exit strategy/determination of winner

  • An exit strategy or manner in which the game is guaranteed to conclude must be identified.
  • The conclusion may be based on a specified time period, a prize level being reached or the game may be designed in such a fashion as to guarantee a conclusion. (Example: a game based on the number of ball calls that increase would be guaranteed to conclude at some point however a game based on an indicator number would require a conclusion point to be identified as either a prize maximum or a pre-established must-go date.)

10.2.3 (H) Additional guidelines

  • Numbers in play must be determined using bingo balls or bingo playing cards in accordance with the terms and conditions.
  • All games must be played on paper, laminated paper, hard card, plastic cards or through a table board device.
  • Bingo must not be played solely on a Personal Bingo Verifier (PBV). (See 10.10.1(e) Personal bingo verifiers (PBVs), for more information.)
  • All prizes must be awarded in cash, merchandise or a combination of the two.
  • There are no minimum time periods required between sessions.
  • There is no minimum or maximum number of games that may be played per session.
  • Multiple sessions may be played in separate areas within the same bingo hall.
  • Overall bingo prize board across all games conducted and averaged over each quarter must not exceed the maximum average of wagering prescribed by the Registrar.
  • Monthly interim reports must be submitted in order to identify any potential issues with reaching the maximum prize board percentage prescribed by the Registrar.


The following details must be provided at the time application is submitted:

  • the type of game being played;
  • how each game will be conducted;
  • the pricing;
  • the prizing and how it is calculated;
  • how winners are determined; and
  • how the game will be guaranteed to come to a conclusion.

The above information must be made readily available to all customers and may be made available through a combination of:

  1. the game schedule
  2. rules of play, and
  3. house rules.