10.3.1. Overview: Licensing Process Framework

Step 1.0: HCA Administrator receives and reviews individual charity applications

Each member organization of the Hall Charities Association (HCA) must complete the Charitable Gaming Application form (4220) and submit it to the HCA Administrator along with its municipal authorization fee and a signed member declaration form.

Step 2.0: All applications and supporting documentation are compiled for each pooling bingo hall

All applications are compiled along with supporting documentation to form a complete package for each pooling bingo hall.

The HCA Administrator assembles all the CGAFs, municipal authorization fees and member declaration forms to be sent to the municipal licensing authority.

The HCA Administrator must complete and provide the following supporting documentation to the municipal licensing authority:

  • a Charitable Gaming Summary form
  • a Charitable Gaming Spreadsheet
  • signed Member Declaration forms
  • Game Schedules
  • Game Rules
  • House Rules.

Step 3.0: Package received

Upon receipt of all of the documentation noted in step 2.0 above, the municipal licensing authority is responsible for:

  1. Fully reviewing the CGAFs, including conducting eligibility reviews as required in order to issue the individ- ual charity authorizations. All charitable gaming authorizations that the municipal licensing authority issues must be sent to the HCA Administrator to be posted at the bingo hall.
  2. Reviewing the supporting documentation (Gaming Summary Package) and recording all municipal authori- zation numbers that it has issued onto the Charitable Gaming Spreadsheet.
  3. Returning the following package of information to the Bingo Hall Charity Association for submission to the AGCO.
  • a Bingo Hall charity Association form
  • a Charitable Gaming Spreadsheet
  • signed Member Declaration forms
  • Game Schedules
  • Game Rules
  • House Rules.

Step 4.0: HCA administrator submit gaming summary package to AGCO

HCA Administrator required to complete Bingo Hall Charity Association Licence application to the Registrar.

Step 5.0: Bingo lottery events conducted





  • Receives the applications from the HCA Administrator
  • Receives from the municipality, the summary application and accompanying documents, including municipal authorization numbers
  • Relies on municipal determination of eligibility
  • Issues authorizations to the individual charities for a specified date and time at the bingo

hall and forwards authorizations to the HCA Administrator

  • Reviews game schedules to identify any situation where the games being offered do not fit within the framework of games permitted
  • Forwards the summary application and accompanying documents, including municipal authorization numbers, to the Registrar for processing of licences issued by the Registrar.
  • Issues a licence to the HCA that includes all municipal authorization numbers for its individual member organizations for a specified date and time at the location.



Both licensing authorities receive monthly reports, which are due 30 days following the end of each month, from the HCA Administrator detailing:

  • gross wager by lottery type,
  • prizes by lottery type,
  • gross revenues,
  • administration costs for the HCA,
  • authorization fees,
  • net revenues and
  • disbursements to each individual licensee of the HCA;
  • out-of-pocket expenses;
  • total deposits;
  • shortages (if any) by event;
  • HST and any other applicable taxes paid;
  • other revenue attributed to the Operator of the bingo hall;
  • amount paid to Operator for the month;
  • marketing fund information (copies of the bank statements, deposit slips, cancelled cheques and EFTs must be provided to either licensing authority upon request)
  • Receives monthly reports from the HCA member organizations detailing:

» net lottery proceeds received;

» all expenses paid;

» use of proceeds; and

» balance remaining.

  • Monitors to ensure the maximum prize board requirements are being achieved at

regular intervals as required (see also “10.7.2. Maximum prize board”)

  • Monitors appropriate use of proceeds for each member organization of the HCA

Licensing periods

The licensing process for lottery events conducted in pooling bingo halls requires the issuance of an authorization from the municipality and a licence from the Registrar.

The licensing officials must ensure that the authorization and the licence are issued for the same time periods. Since the municipal authorization is issued first, the Registrar’s licence will reflect the authorization period that has been determined by the municipal licensing official.

The licensing period must not exceed one year.