5.10.1. Amendments To Raffle Licences

A licensee must conduct a raffle lottery in accordance with its licence application and the terms and conditions of the licence. However, if it is in the public interest to do so, a licensing authority may issue an amendment to a licence it has issued, as long as no tickets have yet been sold (with the exception of Catch the Ace raffles as described in 5.2.1[l][v]). A licensing authority may also refuse a licence amendment request. A licensee must not change the way it is conducting and managing an event unless it has first obtained a licence amendment.

The licensing authority must consider requests for licence amendments on a case-by-case basis. The licensing authority is under no obligation to issue an amendment solely because it has previously issued an amendment under the same or similar conditions. Amendments must not be granted solely on the expectation of loss.

The licensee must apply for a licence amendment in writing before any tickets have been sold under the licence. The licensing authority will not grant amendments after ticket sales have begun. Expired licences may not be amended or cancelled.

If changes to the licence application package are made before submission to the licensing authority, each change must be initialled, on each document, by the individual(s) with signing authority for the applicant.

Requests for amendments to information already submitted to the licensing authority by way of completed application package must be made in writing on the applicant organization’s letterhead and signed by the individual(s) authorized to bind the applicant. Any supporting records must be provided.

The licensing authority will only consider amending a raffle licence when it has discussed the reasons for the request with the licensee and established that the amendment is in the public interest.