5.15.1. Duties Of Bona Fide Members

In order for a lottery scheme to be legal it must be conducted and managed by bona fide members of the licensed organization. (See also 3.5.2 Bona fide members.)

An organization must designate a minimum of two bona fide members to be in charge of the conduct of a raffle lottery event. The organization must submit the names of the designated bona fide members to the licensing authority and must be prepared to provide documentation proving the designated individuals are bona fide members and not members of convenience. The designated members in charge must be at least 18.

The bona fide members are responsible for:

  • supervising all activities related to the conduct of the event;
  • completing and filing the required financial report on the results of the event;
  • ensuring that all terms and conditions of the licence and any additional conditions imposed by the licensing authority are complied with;
  • supervising all ticket sellers;
  • keeping all required records and depositing all monies into the designated lottery trust account; and
  • reconciling all tickets.

The Raffle Licence Terms and Conditions do not make provisions for reimbursing expenses for bona fide members who participate in the conduct and management of raffle lotteries.