5.13.1. Advertising For Raffle Lotteries

5.13.1 (A) General advertising and ticket sale guidelines

The licensee is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the information used in its advertising. The licensee should have its advertising materials reviewed by its legal counsel for compliance with all applicable federal and provincial legislation.

A municipality may only approve lotteries within its own boundaries and the Registrar may approve lotteries within Ontario. Therefore:

  • raffle ticket orders must not be solicited or accepted from outside Ontario;
  • raffle tickets must not be mailed or otherwise distributed to persons outside Ontario; and
  • raffle tickets must not be advertised, promoted or marketed to persons outside of Ontario.

See 3.3.0. Advertising licensed lottery eventsfor further information.

5.13.1 (B) Advertising content guidelines

  1. The content of lottery promotion and advertising must not imply that participating in gaming activity promotes or is necessary for:

» financial success;

» social acceptance;

» professional achievement;

» personal success;

» sexual opportunity;

» the fulfillment of any goal; or

» the resolution of financial, social, physical or personal problems

  1. With the exception of public service advertising, content must not appeal, either directly or indirectly to persons under the age of 18, or be placed in media targeted specifically at people under the age of 18.
  2. Content must not compare one form of gaming to another.

See 3.3.2. Advertising Content guidelinesfor further information.

5.13.1 (C) Celebrity advertising

Celebrities and other well-known personalities may endorse or otherwise promote raffles, but only if they provide such assistance to the licensee free of charge.

In addition, celebrity endorsement must not:

  • state or imply that playing games of chance has contributed to the celebrity’s success;
  • be aimed at individuals under the age of 18; or
  • specifically encourage individuals under the age of 18 to participate in a lottery event.

5.13.1 (D) Print and internet advertising

Print and internet advertisements for raffle lotteries must contain the following information:

  • the name of the licensee;
  • the licence number;
  • the location, date and time at which the draw (or draws) is to be held, including the location, date and time of each early bird draw, and the cut-off time for buying tickets for each early bird draw;
  • the total number of tickets issued;
  • the price of the ticket; and
  • a description of the prizes to be awarded, including their value.

If space restrictions prevent a licensee from giving full details of the prizes to be awarded, the licensee should refer the customer to a brochure, website or other resource containing those details.

5.13.1 (E) Mail order forms

Organizations conducting raffle lotteries often sell tickets through a mail order form built into an adver- tisement. The advertisement and the mail order form must both bear the lottery licence number. The consumer sees the advertisement, fills out the order form and mails it, along with the proper payment, to the charitable organization. The organization, in turn, records the purchase and mails the ticket to the consumer.

While the Registrar allows this procedure, organizations should be aware that it could cause administrative difficulties if the form is distributed in areas outside Ontario. Licensees must ensure that the mail order forms are not distributed beyond provincial boundaries nor should the licensee accept orders from outside Ontario.

5.13.1 (F) Advertising in national or international media

While a licensee may advertise in national or international newspapers and magazines, on the Internet or web sites, or on radio and television that may cross borders, tickets may only be sold in Ontario. A licensee may publish the winner’s name and ticket number on the Internet.